
How To Get Cigarette Smell Out Of Clothes


When smoke seeps into clothing, removing the smell can be a tricky situation. If your previous attempts of getting rid of the odor have left you in a haze, then it's time to try a new approach. Here are four tips from the laundry experts at 4J Laundromat on how to remove the smell of smoke from any piece of clothing–whether it can go in the washing machine or not!

Vinegar Can Be Very Effective
Soaking your clothes in a solution of white vinegar and water for approximately one hour can work wonders for removing the smell of smoke from clothing. When the hour is up, wash your laundry with a commercial detergent–this helps eliminate any remaining smoke odor that may still be present post-vinegar soak.

Baking Soda and Dryer Sheets Make a Dynamic Duo
If you've ever used baking soda to remove stains, then you know the power of baking soda. Luckily, its powers also work on removing smoke odors! So when you toss your clothes into the washer, toss in a scoop of baking soda, too. To ensure the smoke smell will be gone, dry your clothes with a dryer sheet. If you're still afraid the smoke smell may linger, seal 1-2 clothing items in a bag with one dryer sheet. Just be sure to take precaution: dryer sheets can sometimes stain clothing (especially scented dryer sheets) when they're in contact with clothes for too long. To avoid this, seal your clothes in a large bag that doesn't require the sheet to touch them, or simply keep an eye on your items and make sure they don't stay in the bag for too long.

Steam Can Help Eliminate the Odor
If you have items of clothing that smell like smoke but can't be washed in a washing machine, than steam will be your best friend–but first take a look at the care tag of said item to make sure steaming it is okay. Once you have the greenlight, steam your item slowly to ensure you don't miss any areas. If the smoke smell is still lingering after a regular steam, add rubbing alcohol solution to your steamer's water reservoir with a 3:1 ratio of water to alcohol.

Absorb the Smell With Charcoal
Charcoal is a popular deodorizer because it can absorb most musty smells. If the smell of smoke is still plaguing your clothing after a wash (or two), let charcoal work its magic. Simply fill a container with charcoal and place it on your closet floor–it should absorb any remaining smoke odor.

If you've tried everything and your clothes still smell like smoke, then you may want to consider using a Wash, Dry & Fold Service . Stop by 4J Laundromat –Philadelphia's best laundromat–today and let our laundry experts take care of all your laundry needs for you!

How To Get Cigarette Smell Out Of Clothes


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